One of my passions is travel, particularly to The UK, so much so I consider London to be my second home. To get the most out of my stay I fully immerse myself in the daily life of local people. I like to share their experiences. I tend to visit museums, art galleries, bookstores and markets instead of the standard hotspots tourists usually flock to. The time I treasure the most is when I’m simply wandering the streets of the city letting things happen naturally.
My love of The UK and British culture was no doubt inspired by my mother. She always maintained that all the best music and design originates from there. Having spent a lot of time there myself, I agree. My extended time spent living and studying in London developed a feeling of ‘being home’ within me. I love the empathy and sympathy I experience when I talk to people there. The simple offer of a cup of tea when you might be feeling down is something I love too. Also, people tend not to pry into your affairs but keep their distance, and not in an unfriendly way. In general, I think they possess attributes I relate to; realism, independence, maturity and intelligence.
I regard thinking as my hobby. I consider things from the aspect of the ‘big picture’ down to their minutiae. I have an active mind, am curious about most things and I never get bored. Lately, I’ve been reading up on topics as diverse as the theory of time and architectural thinking.
I value books a lot. Whether it be books on art or novels, I’ve always been fascinated by the impact reading has upon someone as well as its ability to fuel the imagination. The way words on a page can come to life by way of sights and sounds in your mind is very powerful. However, I’m a traditionalist and so prefer printed books to ebooks. I love the feel of the printed page in my hands and the action of turning it over.
I have memories of wanting to be a baker as a child, but by the age of eleven years old I had instead decided to be a designer. After that, I never wanted to be anything else. My parents, who both worked in the creative field, were almost certainly an inspiration. However, I was also drawn to the way that the creation of images and colours can transfer meaning which is then communicated to people. In each passing year I learn something new about design and I don’t believe that will ever stop. In another life, I might be an architect or an artisanal Japanese traditional sweets maker, however, in this life, I would say that my decision to become a designer was one of the best I have ever made.